Offer choices..

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Another great tip for those of you selling your screen printed apparel, is to offer choices to your customers! It is a lot easier to sell to the customers you already have than it is to find new customers, and that is no secret. So it is important to have options for those customers, so that you can continue to drive sales while you scout out new customers. Have you ever wished that awesome hoodie came in a color that looks good on you? It happens to all of us fairly often. Our friends at Fig Farms knows this as well, and that is why they are constantly printing their logos in different colors on different colored garments. I was in Berkeley one day and saw a guy wearing one of these Fig Farms shirts, and mentioned to him that I had printed the shirts. Proof that this concept works, he told me that he had a couple of the shirts, and that they were his favorite tees. I asked if he had seen the newest color options that we had just printed, and he said “No, but I am gonna scoop one up later, for sure”. Boom, another sale to a loyal customer. Enough said.

This was another tip from the pro’s on how to sell your custom apparel. I hope it helps you with your retail sales. Happy selling!

Pro Tipsjeff meadows